Borough of Audubon Tax Department
606 W. Nicholson Road
Audubon, NJ 08106
If you have any additional questions, please contact the tax office at 856-547-0710. Thank you for your patience.
Camden County Prosecutor’s Office Warns the Public of Active Tax Scam
4/21/2023 - CLICK HERE
Taxpayers' Bill of Rights - Click Here
For more information - Click Here
General Information
Hours of Operation: 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday
Tax Collector: Megan Giordano
Deputy Tax Collector: Linda Smith
Phone: 856-547-0710
Tax Assessor: John Dymond
Borough Hall is completely open for business. There is a black lock box on the wall in the vestibule at the Municipal building that is available 24/7 for payments and/or other correspondence. You may put your bill & check in an envelope marked for the “Tax Office” in that black lock box as we check the box daily. If you enclose your entire tax bill, it will be stamped “Paid” and mailed back to you. Please be sure to enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope for return receipts.
The Tax Assessor’s office is required to mail assessment notices for 2023 to all property owners by 2/1/23. These postcards are intended to notify owners of any assessment value changes and to advise of the tax appeal deadline. The 2021 tax amounts listed are not necessarily accurate if the property has any deductions or added assessments and is not considered proof of payment.
The Collector’s office does not automatically mail statements of taxes paid for income tax purposes. You can view tax bills at the link below for amounts. If you need detailed payment history, please contact the office or email the collector and the information will be provided to you.
For Online Account Information & Credit Card/Electronic Payments Click Here:
The NJ Division of Taxation will begin mailing the Property Tax Reimbursement Program aka “SENIOR FREEZE” 2022 application to those who are already in the program (PTR-2 blue books) near the end of February. PTR-1 Booklets for new applicants are available in the Tax Office. For those who have access to the internet and a printer, the 2022 paperwork for first time filing is now available at the NJ Division of Taxation - PTR Program
If you need the PTR Homeowners Verification to form completed you can stop in the office during regular business hours. Please specify if you need a PTR-1A or PTR-2A. If you need assistance in completing your application, you may call Linda Smith and she can help you complete the application.
Phone: 856-547-0710
The Homestead Benefit has been renamed The Anchor Program. The deadline for filing has been extended to February 28, 2023.
Tax Information:
The mission of the Tax Collectors Office is to adhere to the responsibilities of billing, collection, reporting, and enforcement of property taxes and other municipal charges.
As a statutory office of the State of New Jersey, the tax collector is obligated to follow all of the State Statutes regarding property tax collection.
Property tax bills are mailed once a year in with the final 3rd & 4th quarter current year amounts due, and 1st & 2nd preliminary year quarter amounts due
Tax Collection due dates are February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1 By resolution The Borough of Audubon permits a 10-day grace period. If the tax bills are mailed late, the grace period for the 3rd quarter payment is extended 25 days after the date of mailing. As per NJSA 54:4-66 payments received after the grace period are charged interest back to the original due date. Interest is charged at the rate of 8% per annum on the first $1,500 of the delinquency and 18% per annum on any amount in excess of $1,500. There is a 6% year-end penalty on delinquencies in excess of $10,000 if not paid by the end of the year.
The State of New Jersey DOES NOT allow the Tax Collector to accept postmarks, therefore taxes must be received in our office on or before the close of the 10-day grace period.
NJSA 54:4-64 states Failure to receive a tax bill does not exempt you from paying taxes or delinquent interest on taxes. It is the property owner’s responsibility to ascertain from the proper official (Tax Collector) the amounts due. If you have lost your bill please call the tax office to obtain the amount due and to request a duplicate copy of your bill.
If you receive an “advice only” statement and a mortgage company is NOT responsible for making your tax payments, you may use this statement to pay your taxes. Please notify the tax office that you pay your own property taxes and do not have an escrow account.
Payments may be made by mail, online, or in person.
We also offer the convenience of Direct Debit of your Tax Payments from your Bank Account to a Borough of Audubon Bank Account. If you would like to have this service, please complete and return this Direct Withdrawal Form with a VOIDED CHECK from the account you will be using. You can Linda Smith, Deputy Tax Collector, the completed form and a copy of the voided check, or send it by regular mail to her attention. There is NO additional charge/fee for this service. The tax-transfer date will be the 1st of the month of the Quarter due. Your property tax account must be current to begin this service.
To make a payment online at our website, please click the link below. There are fees associated with paying your bill online. Please make sure you accept and agree with all fees before you finalize your transaction. These fees are assessed, collected, and retained by the 3rd party electronic transaction provider for the convenience of providing online payment services. These fees are not a revenue source for the Borough of Audubon.
For Online Account Information & Credit Card/Electronic Payments Click Here
If you make a payment online through your own bank, please note that it is not an electronic transfer/posting since your bank mails a physical check to the Borough of Audubon. The Tax Office is mandated by State Statute to use the date payment is received as the posting date, not the date on the check. Please check your bank's policy on delivery times to avoid late interest charges. Most banks recommend scheduling payments on or before the due date, so please allow 7-10 days for delivery.
If you wish a receipt when paying by mail, please include the entire bill and a self-addressed stamped envelope with your payment.
Assessment questions should be directed to the Tax Assessor at 856-665-1000 x 116. Please note that the Tax Collector is responsible for billing and collection of taxes only.
It is quite often necessary to return checks that are written incorrectly. These errors can result in delays that may cause interest to be charged for late payments. By following the pointers listed below we hope some of these most common errors can be avoided:
Ensure the written amount matches the (number) dollar amount! This is the most common error. Your check MUST be made payable to BOROUGH OF AUDUBON only. Make sure your check is signed and please check the date! Post-dated checks are not acceptable.